
This script is designed to backup DHCP logs from a Windows DHCP Server to another location.


| Inputs | Type | |---|---| | A text file with a list of target computer names, one per line. | Variable assignment within the script |


| outputs | Type | Item | Description | |---|---|---|---| | Copy of DHCP Logs | File(s) | Log | defined by the script |


Logging is basic for now, a log file is defined within the script by the controlling variables at the top and it logs all errors and successes from each command within the script.

Usage Examples

To call this script:

  1. Ensure the variables under the heading “Set the variables” are configured for
    1. A valid scriptlog directory
    2. A valid input file listing the target DHCP servers, one per line
  2. Ensure the target DHCP servers’s dhcp log directory is available to the calling security principal


emailer.psm1 module :

The Script

<pre class="wp-block-code">```
# Name      : Windows DHCP Log Backup
# Last Edit : 
# Author    : Dave 
# Date      : 
# Ticket#   :
# Scope     : All Windows DHCP Servers
# Inputs    : none
# Output(s) : Log of script actions in csv to $LOGFILE, targeted log files moved from the host server to the TARGET SERVER server.
# This script is designed to take a list of DHCP server names or IP addresses as an input from an external text file via the
# $Computers variable and copy the previous day's DHCP logs from that server to the target backup server
# \\SERVER\Windows\DHCP\, creating a sub directory within that share in the DNS name or IP address of the DHCP server,
# leaving the original logs in place at source.
# Notes:
# To call this script:
# 1. Ensure the variables under the heading "Set the variables" are configured for
#    - A valid scriptlog directory
#    - A valid input file listing the target DHCP servers, one per line
# 2. Ensure the local dhcp folder is shared with read permissions for the calling principal (account) and has read file permissions enabled for that account.
# 3. Call the script via powershell, no arguments required.
# Set the variables
# Log file variables
$LOGFILEDIR = "C:\scripts\Powershell\PSScriptLogs" # the full path of the log file for the script to output to
$LOGFILENAME =  "dhcplogbackup.ps1.log" # the full name of the log file for the script to output to
$LOGTIME = Get-Date -Format "MM-dd-yyyy_hh-mm-ss"
# Script variables
$Computers = Get-Content -Path "C:\scripts\Powershell\PSScriptInputs\dhcpservers.txt" # list of target computers
$dateYesterday = get-date -date $(get-date).adddays(-1) -format "MM/dd/yyyy"
$filedate =  get-date -date $(get-date).adddays(-1) -format "yyyy-MM-dd"
$today = get-date -format "MM/dd/yyyy"
$logdir = "Windows\System32\dhcp" #define the target log directory to be backed up / moved
# variables for the current computer -- > See below
# Email settings
$emailer = "C:\scripts\Powershell\Modules\emailer.psm1"
$emailTo = ""
$emailFrom = ""
# Email subject and the first section of the body
$subject_output = "DHCP Log Copy Script"
$body = "Ref: SOMEREF `n`nThe DHCP Log File backup script encountered an error. `n`nPlease complete the following actions:
1. Log a ticket to record this alert and your response
2. Visit the script execution server and examine the C:\Logs\dhcplogbackup.ps1.log file for clues
3. Either correct the fault and re-run the script or manually copy the target DHCP logs which failed from \Windows\System32\Logs\DHCP\ to \\SERVER\Windows\DHCP\<SERVERNAME>\ and await the overnight scheduled re-run of the script
This script runs to ensure we can retain a 90 day log of DHCP lease activity for our domain, it is critical in that regard until a centralised logging system has been established.
Thanks.`n`n Dave
# Imported modules
Import-Module -Name $emailer #-Verbose
# Prepare the logging
# Check for the $LOGFILEDIR & $LOGFILENAME and create them if they don't exist
# NOTE: No logging until this happens except to STDOUT (Screen)
# Test for the folder and create if it doesn't exist
        if(! (Test-Path -Path $LOGFILEDIR )){
                New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $LOGFILEDIR
        $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
        $FailedItem = $_.Exception.ItemName
        emailer $emailTo $emailFrom $subject_output "DHCP LOG BACKUP SCRIPT FAILED TO CREATE LOCAL SCRIPT LOGFILE!"
# test for the file and create if it doesn't exist
        if(! (Test-Path $LOGFILEDIR\$LOGFILENAME  )){
            New-Item -ItemType file -Path $LOGFILEDIR\$LOGFILENAME
        $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
        $FailedItem = $_.Exception.ItemName
        emailer $emailTo $emailFrom $subject_output "DHCP LOG BACKUP SCRIPT FAILED TO CREATE LOCAL SCRIPT LOGFILE!"
# Loop through the list of computers
$Computers | Foreach-Object {
    # Log the computer name in question
    "$LOGTIME START $($_)" | Out-File $LOG -Append -Force
    # variables for the current computer
    $hostname = $($_) # The current server's hostname
    $sourceLogs = "\\$hostname\dhcp" # the location of the DHCP logs ($logdir) on the current computer
    $targetdir = "\\SERVER FQDN\Windows\DHCP\$($hostname)" # Target dir on some server for current server
    $targetparent = split-path $targetdir # Parent dir of the target dir on some server for current server
    #Test access to the sourceLogs directory, if this fails log the failure and exit (the script can't copy from non-existent targets)
    try {
        if (test-path $sourceLogs -isvalid) {
            Try {
                # collect all filenames into the $files variable which begin with "Dhcp" and end with ".log" and which have a LastAccessTime value for yesterday
                $files = get-childitem $sourceLogs | where-object {($ -like "Dhcp*.log") -and ($_.LastAccessTime -ge $dateYesterday) -and ($_.LastAccessTime -lt $today)} | select name
                $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
                $FailedItem = $_.Exception.ItemName
                "$LOGTIME ERROR $($_) Unable to get-childitem for $($sourceLogs) $($ErrorMessage) $($FailedItem) " | Out-File $LOG -Append -Force
                emailer $emailTo $emailFrom $subject_output $body
                "$LOGTIME SUCCESS Email Alert Sent"| Out-File $LOG -Append -Force        
                "$LOGTIME FINISH The script has completed  "| Out-File $LOG -Append -Force
            # check that files were found, if not generate an email alert for review of this script
            if (!($files)) {
                "$LOGTIME ERROR No files were located by the script : $($files) Review the logfile $($LOG) for clues - ensure the backup is completed!" | Out-File $LOG -Append -Force
                emailer $emailTo $emailFrom $subject_output $body
                "$LOGTIME FAIL Email Alert Sent"| Out-File $LOG -Append -Force        
                "$LOGTIME FINISH The script has completed  "| Out-File $LOG -Append -Force
            #Check the path \\SERVER\Windows\ contains a folder using this server's hostname, if not then create one.
            If (!(test-path $targetdir)) {
                Try {
                    New-Item -Path $targetparent -Name $hostname -ItemType "directory"
                Catch {
                    $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
                    $FailedItem = $_.Exception.ItemName
                    "$LOGTIME ERROR $($_) Creating $($targetparent)\$($hostname) $($ErrorMessage) $($FailedItem)" | Out-File $LOG -Append -Force
                    emailer $emailTo $emailFrom $subject_output $body
                    "$LOGTIME FAIL Email Alert Sent"| Out-File $LOG -Append -Force        
                    "$LOGTIME FINISH The script has completed  "| Out-File $LOG -Append -Force
            #Copy the yesterday's DHCP log file into the target directory, prefixing the date to the filename
            Foreach ($file in $files) {
                try {
                    $fileName = $
                    #write-host $fileName
                    copy-item $sourceLogs\$fileName -destination $targetdir\$filedate"-"$fileName
                Catch {
                    $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
                    $FailedItem = $_.Exception.ItemName
                    "$LOGTIME ERROR $($_) executing copy-item or remove-item against $($sourceLogs)\$($fileName) : $($ErrorMessage) $($FailedItem)" | Out-File $LOG -Append -Force                 
                    emailer $emailTo $emailFrom $subject_output $body
                    "$LOGTIME FAIL Email Alert Sent"| Out-File $LOG -Append -Force        
                    "$LOGTIME FINISH The script has completed  "| Out-File $LOG -Append -Force
        Catch {
        $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
        $FailedItem = $_.Exception.ItemName
        "$LOGTIME ERROR $($_) the $($sourceLogs) path was not found - no action taken, exiting..." | Out-File $LOG -Append -Force
        emailer $emailTo $emailFrom $subject_output $body
        "$LOGTIME FAIL Email Alert Sent"| Out-File $LOG -Append -Force        
        "$LOGTIME FINISH The script has completed  "| Out-File $LOG -Append -Force
