Linux Ubuntu Kernel Management
To revert to the latest recommended kernel:
<pre class="wp-block-code">```
sudo apt-get install --install-recommends linux-generic-hwe-18.04
To maintain the kernel and cleanse the unused:
``` You should check partially removed kernels with dpkg -l linux-image-\* | grep ^rc and remove them with for example sudo apt-get purge linux-image-4.4.0-101-generic. Purging will remove initramfs generation rules from /var/lib/initramfs-tools/. If it does not help, you can remove them manually from initramfs list: sudo rm /var/lib/initramfs-tools/3.13.0-39-generic sudo rm /var/lib/initramfs-tools/4.4.0-101-generic sudo rm /var/lib/initramfs-tools/4.4.0-103-generic sudo rm /var/lib/initramfs-tools/4.4.0-38-generic sudo rm /var/lib/initramfs-tools/4.4.0-45-generic sudo rm /var/lib/initramfs-tools/4.4.0-59-generic sudo rm /var/lib/initramfs-tools/4.4.0-77-generic sudo rm /var/lib/initramfs-tools/4.4.0-78-generic sudo rm /var/lib/initramfs-tools/4.4.0-81-generic Usually I run purge-old-kernels followed by sudo apt-get autoremove to have only 2 recent kernels. You can reinstall installed kernels with their initramfses: sudo apt-get install --reinstall \ $(dpkg -l linux-image-\* | grep ^ii | awk '{print $2}') ``` ``` ref: <>