#redirect stdout to overwrite a file
command > file
#redirect stdout to append to a file
command >> file
#redirect stderr to overwrite a file
command 2> file
#discard stderr error messages by redirecting to /dev/null
command 2> /dev/null
#redirect stdout and stderr to overwrite the same file
command > file 2>&1
command &>file
#redirect stdout and stderr to append to the same file
command >> file 2>&1
command &>>file
Bash shell expansions
{item1,item2…} for each of the items in the list
$VARIABLE – include the value of the variable
$() command substitution, execute the command and use the STDOUT results within the current command
e.g.: **`echo The day is $(date +%A).`**
| glob pattern | results |
| \* | zero or more characters. |
| ? | A single character |
| \[*`abc...`*\] | Any one character in the selection |
| \[!*`abc...`*\] | Any one character *not* in the selection |
| \[^*`abc...`*\] | Any one character *not* in the selection |
| \[\[:alpha:\]\] | Any single alphabetic character |
| \[\[:lower:\]\] | Any single lowercase character |
| \[\[:upper:\]\] | Any single uppercase character |
| \[\[:alnum:\]\] | Any single alphabetic character or digit |
| \[\[:punct:\]\] | Any single printable character not a space or alphanumeric |
| \[\[:digit:\]\] | Any single digit from 0 to 9. |
| \[\[:space:\]\] | Any single white space character |
# list processes with SELinux contexts
ps axZ
#list files with SELinux contexts
ls -Z
# Manage system wide SELinux
# he kernel argument enforcing=0 boots the system into permissive mode;
# enforcing=1 sets enforcing mode.
# Disable SELinux completely by passing on the kernel parameter
# selinux=0 disables
# selinux=1 enables
# change context temporarily:
chcon -t httpd_sys_content_t
# restore default contexts recursively -R with verbose output -v:
restorecon -Rv [directory|file]
# Inspect contexts
semanage fcontext -l
# Apply new context permanently (all files and directories below /virtual):
semanage fcontext -a -t httpd_sys_content_t '/virtual(/.*)?'
restorecon -RFvv /virtual
# SELinux boolean controls
# list all current boolean settings:
getsebool -a
# switch a boolean on or off temporarily:
setsebool [on|off]
# switch a boolean on or off permanently:
setsebool -P [on|off]
# list boolean states running which differ from the default state :
semanage boolean -l -C
# Investigate SELinux events:
tail /var/log/audit/audit.log
# look for "type=AVC" or "avc: denied" or "scontext="
tail /var/log/messages
# look for "SELinux is preventing" and within the log "sealert -l "
# To gather more detailed information on the SELinux event, using the identifier in the messages log:
sealert -l
# also you can search messages for SELinux via:
ausearch -m AVC -ts recent
Disk Management
# list all block devices
# list /dev/vda partition table
parted /dev/vda print
# first define the partition table type
parted /dev/vda mklabel [msdos|gpt]
# create a partition of type xfs from the start to 1GB in size
parted /dev/vda mkpart primary xfs 2048s 1000MB
# for swap for the next logical partition and 500MB in size:
mkfs.xfs /dev/vda mkpart linux-swap 1001MB 1501MB
swapon /dev/vda2
swapon --show
# make it permanent
lsblk --fs /dev/vda2
UUID=cb7f71ca-ee82-430e-ad4b-7dda12632328 swap swap defaults 0 0
# format that parition with a filesystem
mkfs.xfs /dev/vda1